Navigating Reports

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Navigating Reports

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Selecting the time range




Select the time range from the controls at the top. Several predefined time ranges are available.


The arrows in the time selector move back or forwards by the currently selected time interval. The Plus (+) button zooms out to show 3 times the current time range, e.g. if "Day" is selected, the plus button will zoom out to also show the day before and the day after.


When you change the Start time the End time is also changed. This allows you to view the same interval length with a different start time.


When you change the End time the Start time remains unchanged. This allows you to change the length of the time interval.


Interacting with Reports


Most reports have drill through functionality which allows you to see more information about an item. Time based charts allow you to click and drag on a chart to zoom into a time period. List based reports allow you to click on an item for more detail.


Report Parameters




Report parameters are not case sensitive.


Report parameters are preserved when you click from one report to another. E.g. if you are viewing the Service Class Details report and select the Job Service/Report Class Information report, you will see the job completions for the same service class and time interval.


A dash or hyphen at the start of the parameter excludes anything that matches the parameter.


-JOBNAME excludes anything matching "JOBNAME"




Wildcards and regular expressions are accepted for textual parameters to filter the data returned by the report. If a report will show data for many items (e.g. jobs, datasets, users) the parameters for that item will allow wildcards and regular expressions.


Some reports show data for only one item at a time e.g. Workload Manager reports will only show a single sysplex at a time. If you enter wildcards for these parameters, the first matching item e.g. sysplex will be selected.


The asterisk or star character "*" is used as a wildcard. It matches zero or more of any character. A question mark "?" matches a single character.


SYS1.* matches anything starting with "SYS1.".

*PARMLIB* matches anything containing the string "PARMLIB".


A dash or hyphen at the start of the expression excludes anything that matches the wildcard.


-SYS1.* excludes anything starting with "SYS1.".

-*PARMLIB* excludes anything containing the string "PARMLIB".


The dash or hyphen "-"  on it's own matches an empty field. This is useful in reports such as Non-VSAM SMS Information, where you might want to find datasets that have no storage class etc.


Multiple Search Terms


Use the vertical bar | to enter multiple search terms.


*PARMLIB*|*PROCLIB* matches anything containing the strings "PARMLIB" or "PROCLIB".


When using multiple search terms with the vertical bar, the hyphen at the beginning applies to the whole expression. It is not possible to negate individual sections.


-*PARMLIB*|*PROCLIB* matches anything that does not contain the strings "PARMLIB" or "PROCLIB".


To search for the vertical bar character itself, enter 2 vertical bars i.e.: ||


Regular Expressions


Regular expressions allow more complex filtering to be performed. To enter a regular expression as a report parameter, add a forward slash "/" to the start and end of the expression. The slashes will be removed and the remaining string used as a regular expression.


The regular expressions in EasySMF are not case sensitive.


If you want to use a parameter that starts and ends in a slash without having it used as a regular expression, (perhaps for a z/OS Unix Report), use 2 slashes at the start and end of the parameter. The 2 slashes will be replaced with one, and the result used as a normal parameter. Only the slashes at the start and end need to be duplicated, and they both must be duplicated.


Regular expressions can be negated by adding a dash/hyphen before the first slash. In this case, only data that does not match the regular expression will be shown. If you need a normal parameter beginning in "-/" and ending in "/", use double slashes as before.




Parameters that begin and end with "/" will be interpreted as regular expressions

Except that: parameters that begin and end with "//" will not be interpreted as regular expressions. The double slashes will be changed to single slashes, and the parameter interpreted normally.

Parameters that begin with "-/"and end with "/" will be interpreted as regular expressions, and only items that do not match will be shown.

Except that: parameters that begin with "-//"and end with "//" will not be interpreted as regular expressions. The double slashes will be changed to single slashes, and the parameter interpreted normally.


Regular expression examples


Some simple regular expressions that might be useful:



Match a string beginning with "INST" or "SMPE" e.g. a dataset name.

The tilde "^" anchors the match to the start of the string, otherwise it would match anywhere in the string rather than at the beginning.


Matches any string except strings beginning with "INST" or "SMPE".


Dataset names that do not match the temporary dataset name pattern i.e.

"^" anchor to the start of the string

"sys" the characters "sys"

"\d{5}" 5 decimal characters (0-9)

"\." a period

"t" the character "t"

"\d{6}" 6 decimal characters (0-9)


Regular Expression Reference


Regular expression matching is performed by the Microsoft .NET Framework regular expression functions. The Microsoft .NET Framework documentation describes the syntax that can be used. See:

MSDN: Regular Expression Language - Quick Reference


Extended Edit Box


For easier editing of complex regular expressions, press Control-E while editing a parameter field to open the Extended Edit Box. This provides more space to edit the parameter.






Click on column headers to sort by that column. The sort is stable, so items with the same value will remain in the current order. This allows you to sort by multiple columns by sorting by one column, then another. For example, if you want jobs ordered by jobname, with jobs with the same name ordered by time, first sort by time, then by jobname. Jobs with the same name will remain in time order.


Arranging Columns


Columns on list based reports can be rearranged as desired. To move a column, click and drag the column header to the desired position. You can also pin columns so they remain visible as the report is scrolled left and right. Right click on the column header and select Pin.