TCP/IP zERT Summary

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TCP/IP zERT Summary

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zERT (z/OS Encryption Readiness Technology) is a z/OS TCP/IP facility that collects and reports information about the security of z/OS TCP/IP connections.


zERT Grouping in EasySMF


EasySMF zERT reports use the zERT aggregation records, which group multiple sessions with common attributes into a single record.


EasySMF groups zERT entries with the same encryption attributes and the same server port. FTP related entries are also grouped together - entries where the server port is 20, 21 or 990, or the userid is *FTPUSR*.


The EasySMF groups can be expanded to show the individual entries.


The additional grouping reduces the number of zERT entries you need to work with. You can pick specific services and/or encryption attributes of interest, and expand those groups to reveal the client IP addresses, jobnames userids etc.


SMF Records


EasySMF zERT reports use data from the zERT aggregation records - type 119 subtype 12.




No Recognized Security

Records where zERT did not recognize any cryptographic protection.

zERT TLS Summary

Summary of connections protected by TLS.

zERT SSH Summary

Summary of connections protected by SSH

zERT IPSec Summary

Summary of connections protected by IPSec